Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Weekend

The weekend has been pretty uneventful. Saturday we got the entire garage cleaned out, and now my truck fits in there! Of course to do this, we needed a little help from our friends. Meaning, we needed someone to come take Linda. Aunt Lynn was up for the assignment. She came and walked Linda down to the park. Then they walked back and Aunt Lynn gave Linda lunch. Then they read books until I came in to put Linda down for her nap. I was very grateful to Aunt Lynn.

After nap we went swimming for a few min. This swim experience did not go as good. She was just kind of whiny and didn't want to be in the pool. The temp was 88, so it was not cold at all. At one point the water was warmer than the air. After swimming we went to Aunt Shannon's house. Linda loves going there b/c she gets to see Shannon's kids. Garette had a little birthday party, and Linda got to pull the first string on the pinata.

Today we went to church. It was a special stake conference and it was two hours. Linda did so good. I brought plenty of books and snacks and water. When we got home I told Linda how proud I was of her and that she did so good in church. She looked at me and said "Jesus" (that one is still hard for her to say). I teared up almost immediately. It was so sweet that she associates church w/Jesus. I'm telling you this kid is so smart. She just turned 15 months yesterday. How many 15 month old kids can make associations like that?

Shannon's kids are here today for the afternoon. When Linda gets up I'm sure she will have a ball!

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