Sunday, June 17, 2007


This picture is not from camping, but it is a recent pic.

Well this weekend we went camping. Things started out kind of rough. Linda missed her nap and then had a diaper rash. She was crying in pain, for what I thought was no apparent reason. It was very strange. When I finally figured out the problem, she calmed right down. It was like she relaxed b/c she knew I knew what the problem was. I'm not sure what she ate to make her poop so acidic. She doesn't sit in her diaper.

Her memory is so amazing. Lynn came w/us and Cody, her dog, hopped out. Linda immediately said "Cody." It had been about a month since she had seen Cody, and she doesn't see him all that much, but she remembered. She is also amazing the way she thinks abstractly. We went down to the beach and played down there. When we came back I changed her diaper and said "oh you have sand in your pants." She looked at me and said "beach." I can't believe she remembers all these words we tell her only once or twice and remembers there is sand and it is at the beach. She was real good w/the fire. I was worried she would try to touch it. We told her hot and not to go near it, and she did not try to go near it one time. She is so good w/her hot and cold now too. When we got home she was walking barefoot on the driveway. The sun was beating down on it and she said "hot." She touches stuff that is cold and says cold too. Unbelievable. We were leaving the campground and going up over the bay bridge tunnel. She looked out her window and saw the ocean. She said "lake." I was so impressed w/this. The first time she saw a lake she just said "water." She remembered the lake she saw was big, and she was looking at a big body of water, so it must be a lake. Even though she was wrong, her thinking process is amazing. While we were camping I asked her if she wanted to use her crayons. She said crayons, and then started naming colors. Again, she knows exactly what you are saying much of the time, and can think so well. Amazing. She counted to six today all by herself. Tom said one, she said one, two. So Tom said two. She said three, Tom said three, etc all the way to six. Then she got distracted. I have heard her say eight after I have said seven. She probably does know her numbers all the way to ten. I usually count to 20 w/her. When we were taking walks at the campground we would come across various street signs. Linda loved looking at the letters and saying the ones she knew. She finally called a W correctly. Before if you showed her W, she would say M. She does that sometimes w/V and Y too. She knows a bunch of her letters now. Well that is about all from here. I know I'm missing a bunch of incredible stuff she did this weekend. Her amazing speech has really opened up everything else for her. She talks to me, so I know she is understanding, and I can move on to other stuff once she gets it. She is something people!

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