Thursday, June 7, 2007

Home and Poop

This will be a short blog as Linda is almost ready for bed. It was so cute today when we pulled in from going to storytime at the library. When we pulled into the driveway Linda said "home." It was so nice.

Linda pooped on her potty today for the first time. She walked up to me and said poop. I had bought her a potty a while back and just had it in the bathroom. She peed on it a couple times, but then started to cry when she peed in it. So we stopped doing that. When she said poop to me today I took her diaper off and sat her on the potty. Then I heard plop plop. Two little terds were in her potty. So I made a big deal about that. I'm not pushing her at all to be trained. It is very difficult, b/c she already is trained. She is trained to go in her pants. Sometimes I wish I had kept up w/the elimination communication stuff. She was doing real good w/that. We were just on the go so much. I couldn't watch her while in the car to see if she needed to go. So we'll see what happens. I would love for her to be potty trained by two. Who knows, this may be the one area she gives me problems with. I can't imagine it, but you never know. My Aunt Rita said I gave my mom lots of problems potty training and I wasn't trained until after 3.

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