Friday, November 14, 2008

Will the ducks come back?

I just got done putting Linda to bed. The last book we read tonight was Five Little Ducks. It is the book that goes along w/the song. "Five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away. Mama duck called, "quack quack quack quack" and four little ducks came wandering back. This goes on until there are no ducks. Mama duck goes out w/no ducks and then all of a sudden all the ducks are back. Where the ducks have gone I'm not sure. Why mama duck continued to go out when she was losing ducks, I'm not sure either, but that's the story and I didn't write it. So I'm reading/singing this book to Linda. We get down to no little ducks went out one day, and she begins to cry hysterically. I'm trying to keep a straight face. She has read this book many times and never cared about the ducks. Tonight was different though. I guess she is able to reason more, and realize there are no ducks and who knows if they will ever come back. She's crying, "I want the ducks to come back." I'm telling her the ducks all come back to the mama and everything is ok. It was just too funny.

1 comment:

Amber Lynae said...

That is so cute. It is so amazing to see how children grow emotionally.