Sunday, November 16, 2008

Recent Pics

These pictures were taken over the last few days. There are some from a learning bus that comes around and the kids can go on. There are two from a rec center activity, where she wanted to carry the bag of raw green beans around and is doing a craft. I was getting some strange looks that day w/her eating green beans, lol. There is also one from today, where she is very happy to have cashews as a snack.
This morning I had quite a surprise. Linda brought a snake into the house. I was getting ready to go to church so I was going in and out. Linda went outside and came back in. She says, "Look what I have Mama!" I was in the kitchen and she was near the garage door. I said, "What?" She says, "a snake!" She was so excited to have this snake. I looked and there it was, a snake in my house. It was black w/yellow on it's head. It didn't bite her. It wasn't a large snake, but it was a snake. I was telling her to put it down put it down. Then I realized that if she put it down, it would be in my house. So then I'm telling her to put take it outside and put it down. She was so non chalant about the whole thing. She let him go in the grass, just like she does every other creature she catches. And yes, she catches them all, and wants to see everything. After she let him go I was thinking I should have kept him in case he did bite her, but she didn't notice. But it was too late for that. He is gone now. Crazy huh? I wonder what else is going to make it into my house over the next few years.
She is still doing well learning. She frequently asks for words to read. She enjoys picking out words around town too. It is still hard for me to believe she is actually reading, actually looking at words she doesn't know, sounding them out and reading them. She likes to help Ryleigh read some words too. She will also help her baby dolls read words. It is cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOOOOHHH...the snake!!!! There is no way I would be able to be calm like you did! Good job!! Oh that gives me the willies just thinking about it.

I did not know you all had a blog too! Fun to keep up with evryones pictures!

That's awesome you have all the vaccine info on your blog too!