Friday, November 21, 2008

These were taken yesterday at the park, and at Ryleigh's house on her trampoline. Linda was so excited to bounce on the trampoline. The park was great yesterday. The weather was quite cool, but the sun felt so good. The girls just needed a light jacket, and they kept busy running all over.
I was explaining to Linda yesterday about poop and how you eat your food, it goes down your throat, into your tummy. Your body takes the food and uses it for whatever it needs, and the left over comes out as poop. She looked at me like she completely did not believe me. Then she thought for a minute, and said, "so I can eat poop?" I thought the thinking process was incredible. She connected the two and figured she could eat poop, since poop was indeed food. Too funny.
We also stopped in to a children's gym to check out the prices and classes. I told Linda where we were going and she said, "Oh that's cool!" It was so cute. She is growing up so fast!

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