Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sesame Street Live

We took Linda to Sesame Street Live. I had been looking forward to taking her for several months. Finally her big day was here. We told her she was going to go see Elmo after nap. I don't think she really understood what she was in for. We had decent seats, to the right of the stage. Once those lights went down and Bert and Ernie came out, she was in heaven. It was so cute to see how excited she got. She got so excited, I got emotional. She was saying hi, and waving to all the characters. It was the best time. After the show was over, Linda said she wanted Elmo to come back out on stage. I told her they were all done. The poor thing, she burst into tears. It was the cutest thing. She wanted Elmo to come back out so bad. Her little heart was broken. Of course she talked about the show all the way home, and the next day too. On the way home she said, "thank you for Elmo." I was emotional before, but after that I just teared up again. It was so sweet. You hope what you are teaching your children will help them be nice people. She really is just a nice little girl.
Another example of how sweet she is came today. We were getting ready to go to church. She was wearing her bead necklace. She asked me if I was going to wear my turtle necklace. I told her my turtle necklace was broken. She took a second, and then said, "do you want to wear my beads mama?" It was so thoughtful of her, and from a 2 1/2 yr old.
I found a pretty neat book at the library the other day. It is a book that you and your child read together. The adult reads a page, and then on the other page is three or four words for your child to read. It is a pretty neat book. She enjoys having me read to her, and then she only has to read a couple words. She has been trying to make up words w/a letters toy that Shannon got her. I have taken the opportunity to tell her you need a vowel to make a word. I've started going over what vowels are. Every day I just can't believe how her thought process matures.

1 comment:

deb said...

wow... that's so cute. You can't capture moments like that on film. I wish I could have seen how excited she was!