Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Little Farmer Girl

As you know Linda is a very active little girl. She enjoys all sorts of activities that really enrich her life. We are fortunate to have a nice balance, and usually a couple times a week we make sure to just stay home and relax. I have never seen her get as excited as she does when she finds out she is going to the farm. Oh my goodness. The child lights right up. We packed up the bike trailer today and headed down to the farm. When we got there, we asked if there were any field trips we could jump in with. We got lucky, and there was another preschool coming in for a field trip a few minutes after we arrived. Linda had a real nice time. They learned about bees, peacocks (did you know the peacock can lose ALL it's tail feathers at once if faced w/grave danger?), ducks, llamas, donkeys, birds, plants, worms, bugs, tadpoles, & chickens. I didn't realize Linda knew so much about birds. The girl was showing several different types of birds and Linda was able to identify each one. they got to dig for worms, and plant a sunflower. They took a peacock feather home. It didn't take Linda long to catch a chicken! I don't even know how many "look I caught a chicken" pictures I have, lol. She also fed the goats today. They had little baby goats that were so cute. Overall, Linda had such a great time. Again, we are so blessed to live in an area w/these types of activies for her to enjoy.

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