Sunday, May 31, 2009

French Update

I'm just tickled by Linda's French so far. She is doing very very basic stuff, but it's so cute to hear her speak and understand. The other day she was eating lunch and the little girl I watch during the day was eating too. Linda said, "Bounjour Ry. Ca Va?" (Hello Ry. How are you doing?) Ry wasn't sure what to say, lol. Just a few minutes ago at lunch I looked at her and said, "tu as soif?" (are you thirsty?) She shook her head yes and took a sip of her water. It was so cool! She is into counting in French right now. She can count to ten. We were looking at a book and a pic of the sun was in it and she said, "le soliel." It is just amazing how she is blossoming and understanding so much in French. I need to start speaking more to her. Her little mind is just so amazing. I just wanted to share that while I was thinking about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's really cool!