Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Great Day

Today was a really great day for us. Today was one of those days where you think to yourself, "I have a really cool kid." I think that often, but today I guess I realized it more. The weather today was so pretty, in the 70s. Of course we took advantage of that, and played outside. We did spend 30 min inside the library for story time. We came home after the library and Linda and Ry played outside in the back yard for about an hour. It is so nice to have the swing set out there for Linda. She and Ry play so nicely (most of the time) out there. They really enjoy the sand box too. I hear them talking about making cupcakes, and all sorts of other pretend stuff w/the sand. Copper was out there too, and I saw them playing w/him and chasing him all over.
Linda went right to sleep after lunch. She has been doing so good in her bed. She has not gotten out once. It hasn't even been a week, but I'm so pleased w/her. Sometimes she wants to skip lunch or dinner and go straight to the bed so she can get in.
After nap we played outside while Ry was sleeping. I have written tons of words on the driveway before and she has read them, but she seemed to be getting bored doing that. So today I wrote tons of words on the driveway, and told her I wanted her to find a specific word. She liked that game very much, and we played for about 45 minutes. I am still so amazed how she can read words. She is getting better and a little faster reading the words. She kept asking me to tell her a word to find, so we went w/it.
She ate a decent lunch, but after nap she must have had some sort of growth spurt. As most of you know, she is quite the eater. But today she even out did herself. She had 1/2 lb strawberries, two oranges, one apple, and one piece of fresh warm bread. Then she ate her regular dinner! I wonder where she puts it all. But she is non stop most of the day, so it gets burned off.
Right before going inside our neighbor Paul came out and we inquired about his 2 1/2 yr old daughter. Paul told us she wasn't feeling well today. When we came inside I told Linda to wash her hands. I walked by the bathroom and the water was running. Linda was standing at the sink, w/her little arms folded, and she was saying a prayer to ask Heavenly Father to help Emma feel better. Of course my eyes just welled up. It was the sweetest thing. I was so happy she thought to say a prayer, and understood the power of God. It was awesome. She really enjoys learning about Jesus. She particularly likes the story of the good samaritan, Jesus walking on water, Jesus feeds the 5000. Her newest interest is a picture she saw of Jesus knocking on a door. There is no door knob in the picture, so Jesus cannot open the door. He is standing at the door knocking, wanting to come in. But the person on the inside has to open the door to Jesus. She likes to hear me tell her she needs to open her heart to Jesus and let Him in.
So I hope you can see why today I was really diggin' my kid. She is so special. She is so smart. But more importantly, she is a nice little girl. She is thinking about other people, and how she can help them. That just makes me so happy.


Mommymel said...

Awww! I love the part about her praying for Emma! Hannah cries if I forget to bless her food or if Sarah eats before the blessing. Such a great age!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! There is nothing better than listening to kids pray! It is usally so pure and filled with love...though my kids sometimes bring up toys. =0)