Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Our local farm had their winter wonderland going, so grandma, Linda and I headed over to check it out. It was pretty fun. They had a barn type building set up w/all these moving displays w/thousands of lights. I took a picture of my favorite, two squirrels roasting marsh mellows. Linda really enjoyed looking at all the lights and displays. After the building, we could go to the petting farm. Linda played around on the playground for a few min, but then headed right over to the chickens of course! It took her a while to catch a chicken this time. I actually caught one before she did, and I'm all laid up. She enjoyed going in w/the goats, and chasing a turkey around too. She tried to catch a peacock and a rabbit, but had no success. We were there about an hour and a half. She didn't want her jacket on, so she was in a t shirt. The sun felt so warm, it felt good to be outside. We are REALLY going to miss grandma when she goes.


Tom said...

Sorry I missed that...looked like fun

Tom said...
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