Monday, July 16, 2007

Thank You and Days of the Week

I heard the sweetest sound today (besides Linda saying "I love you.") We just got home and I was taking Linda out of the car seat. She said, as normal, out please. I took her out and put her down and she looked up at me and said thank you. I was so excited. This is the first time she has said it w/o prompting. It was so sweet.

I have been trying to come up w/new things to teach Linda while she finishes up learning to recognize letters (she knows over 1/2) and numbers (she only knows 1 and 8, we need to work on that). So I started telling her the days of the week. I had been telling her on our walk in the morning. A few days ago, I asked her to tell me what the days of the week are. Before I would just tell her. I had been telling her for about a week. After I asked her she said "monday tuesday." I helped her w/the rest. Then Tom and I were having breakfast w/Linda. Tom asked when our friends were getting home from their trip. I said I think they get back on Monday. W/o skipping a beat, Linda said "tuesday". It is amazing that they are listening to everything you say.

She has started counting objects. It started w/her fingers. And now she will count other things too. I've been encouraging this obviously. It is so cute when she counts her fingers. She also will bust out w/her ABCs for no apparant reason. I just can't believe how smart she is, and how fast she understands. She seems to understand everything I tell her. If I tell her to do something, she will do it. She really is amazing.

1 comment:

deb said...

How am I supposed to know what she's doing if you don't blog??? Give her kisses for me!